GCh. Bolero Little Black Dress UP V Deerfield OA OAJ ROM
Layla almost 8 and a half, New Years Day Walk!
lc-Bolero Little Black Dress Up V Deerfield (1)
Layla’s Dobequest Page with current health tests
Layla’s 2016 Echocardiogram:Normal
August 2016-Normal 24 hour holter
DCM1 gene negative by parentage
Layla finishes her Grand Championship owner handled being awarded BOB owner handled and a Group 2
Layla 6 months and one day-winning a 5 POINT Major!
Thank you Judge Mrs. Gomez and Jocelyn Mullins for this exciting memory

“Layla” G. Ch.Bolero Little Black Dress Up V Deerfield OAJ OA ROM
passing the “Aggressive Stranger” portion of the WAE
GCh. Bolero Little Black Dress Up V Deerfield NA, NAJ OA, OJ ROM
Sire: Ch Kettlecove N Rebayla V Zeus
Dam: Ch. Bolero No Doubt V Deerfield NA, AJ, OAJ
Achievements:Finished AKC Championship at 11 Months-Handled by Jocelyn Mullins
Layla is Vet Gen vwd clear heart ultrasound July 2014 normal
DCM Gene Negative by parentage
August 2015
Full Liver and Blood Panel: Normal
Veterinary Cardiology Consultants July 2014 (LA:3.11cm,LVEDD:4.15cm)
24 hour Holter Monitor March 2015 7 PVC’s (Normal Range).
Hips: OFA DP-15745G50F-VPI
The hip joint and conformation evaluated as GOOD
The elbows NORMAL
Eye Certification
Dr. Susan Aquilino ACVG# EC296
Michigan Veterinary Specialists
Pedigree of ” Layla” |
Parents | GrandParents | GreatGrandParents |
Ch. Kettlecove N Rebayla V Zeus CGC | Ch.Shatera’s Brass Star | Ch. Char-Rish Star Quest Blu- J’s |
Ch. Shatera’s Private Dancer | ||
Ch.Rebayla Blue Pearl of Texas RN TDI CGC WAE | Ch. Mariah’s Monograms V Koepsel LC-13D | |
Ch. McKella’s Yellow Brick Road | ||
BISS Ch. Bolero No Doubt V Deerfield NA OJ ROM | Ch. Ravenswoods Azure Sky | Ch. Cambria’s Secret Desire |
Ch. Judon’s American Pie Ravenswoods | ||
Ch. Gorrmaes Cashmere V Bolero LC-13 | Ch. Bolero Hard Rain V Deerfield | |
Ch. Gorrmaes Mysteria |